Our Chapter Officers Wallace PaynePresident Serving as the current president of the WV Gamma Chapter for Sigma Phi Epsilon, Wallace Payne strides to not only increase chapter size, but also provide the chapter with a model executive board for future administrations, as well as promoting our values in all aspects of chapter life. School Email:payne283@marshall.eduPersonal Email:wallacepayne2020@gmail.com Kenneth JohnsonVice President of Programming Serving as the chapter's Vice President of Programming, Kenneth Johnson strives to help the chapter by reaching out to not only Greek Life organizations, but organizations on and off-campus. Kenneth is also primarily responsible for planning events such as philanthropies and brotherhoods that help those in and out of the chapter grow as people. With these events, as well as the connections made throughout and off-campus, our chapter, and even our campus as a whole is one step closer to becoming a second home. Jay WesselsVice President of Finance Serving as the chapter's Vice President of Finance, Jay Wessels maintains the chapter's budget, including semesterly fees, any and all forms of dues, and any other miscellaneous fees that may appear. Though the role of VPF is very demanding, Jay is very understanding when it comes to how brothers pay their dues, and brothers have the option to set up a payment plan- allowing them to pay overtime instead of all at once. Because of Jay's diligent efforts, brothers are able to dedicate their time and energy to SigEp and its values without the worry of stress of any financial issues. Jordan PhillipsVice President of Member Development Serving as the chapter's Vice President of Member Development, Jordan Phillips focuses on making sure that SigEp's brothers can build not only as students in a college setting, but as people in an ever-changing world around them. Jordan does this primarily through something called the Balanced Man Program, which consist of lessons and activities that brothers partake in to ensure that they not only are interacting with many diverse people and events around them, but also getting out of their comfort zones, allowing them to expand their horizons and gain a new perspective on how one can approach life. It is because of experiences like these that one can grow a person, changing how they may approach future decisions in their academic, work, and social life. Matthew LinvilleVice President of Learning Communities Serving as the Vice President of Learning Communities, Matthew Linville aims to make sure that all of the chapter's brothers are on top of their academics. To do this, Matthew officiates weekly study hours on Sundays so that any member, or even student who may want to visit the house, can set aside time to themselves and work on any assignments they may be behind on. Matthew is also looking to host his own office hours; serving as a check-in to see how students in the chapter are progressing in their academic career, and how they can tackle something if they may be struggling or unsure of a certain topic. SigEp is a learning-based fraternity, and without a safe space to learn, we can't help fellow brothers thrive in who they want to be. Jared SchmidtVice President of Recruitment Serving as the chapter's Vice President of Recruitment, Jared aids the chapter not only by increasing the chapter's numbers, but by showing off what the chapter has to offer through means of tabling and student engagement. It is because of the efforts put forth by Jared and his committee that the West Virginia Gamma Chapter is able to survive through many generations, even after all of its current members have already graduated, and that Marshall can continue to have a legacy of building balanced men. Ethan SmithVice President of Communications Serving as the Vice President of Communications, Ethan's main priority is to make the chapter look the best it can by any means necessary. This is done by all sorts of formats, such as operating the chapter's social media pages, making and hanging up flyers around campus, and boosting any events or scholarships the chapter may be hosting. It's because of the work put forth by Ethan and his committee that the chapter is able to have a friendly public face, and we can't wait to see it continue to grow. Ian RichardsChaplain Serving as the Chapter's Chaplain, Ian's main goal is to make sure that there is dignity and order in and out of the walls of the walls West Virginia Gamma Chapter. Not only this, but he also strives to make sure that no brother- including himself- has forgotten the reason why we are all in SigEp, with lessons every meeting that teaches members about core foundations not only about the Chapter, but about life as well. It is because of Ian that members are able to stay on top of their core values, as well as having something thought-provoking to think about after every meeting.